Saturday, September 30, 2006

Turning Labels into Cloud

I've just completed hacking cloud labels by Master Phydeaux3. This is really great. It is suitable with any blog categories but I think it will look nice in jurnal or diary blog (make it more colorful). You can find how to hack cloud label in Phydeaux3

Applied: Hackablog


Turning Labels into Tabs (Vertical)

Hoctro do it again. If you want to play and tweak with labels (Tabs), Hoctro's place is the right place especially for beginners.

Pic. from Hoctro's Place.
Your labels will be like this. Is it nice?


Turning Labels into Tabs (Horizontal)

This is what I like most, I spend the whole night to follow the instruction given by master Hoctro. I can't apply the original tabs hack because some problem with border color but with the help from him, it became an easy task. Thanks to Hoctro.

Pic. from Hoctro's place
*Noticed that horizontal label tabs under blog's description?

Applied: Hackablog, link


Converting to 3-Column Template

Another hack by Mr. Ramani suitable for one who have a lot of items to be seperated in the sidebar. You can find the original hack here.

Applied: link


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Multi-Style Labels Widget

This is my first hacking applied from Mr. Ramani (, and it's widening my perception about the fun of hacking. It supports 2 custom styles (zoom style!, menu style) and the default list style provided by Blogger. The idea is to allow your blog's visitors to choose the style that they like instead of you fixing one particular style. The original article can be found in hackosphere.

Happy hacking!!!

Applied: link



After reading articles about hacking and making trial and error with my new blogger beta blog, I'm very excited about the result, so I decided to compile some of these valuable information from a group of these genius to make it easier for blogger beta users. In fact I don't even have technical background, so what is so difficult with CSS, HTML, Javascript and so on (I don't care what program they are using).

I'm still in the learning process and these genius make all the complicated things become easier and friendly user. Believe me, it will be fun. Thanks you guys! Let's start with my first hack.